HF Band Plans

ITU Region 1 corresponds to Europe, Russia, Africa and the Middle East.

Table of Amateur MF and HF Bandplans IARU Region 1

The following charts show the voluntary bandplans used by amateurs in Region 1.

160 Metres 1810 1838 1838 1840 1840 1843 1843 2000
IARU Region 1
IARU Region 2 1800–1840
IARU Region 3 1800–1840
Note: Region 2 QRP/DX window is 1830-1850


80 Metres 3500 3580 3580 3600 3600 3620 3620 3800
IARU Region 1


60 Metres 5351.5 5278.5 5288.5 5366.5
IARU Region 1
Note: 60 Meter emissions are limited to UK NoV-endorsed Full licence holders only in 3 kHz channels with the specified lower frequency limits, 200 wattsNote: There are now 11 channels allocated in the UK, see the 60 Metres article for full details

Note: 60 Meter band in Norway is 5260 – 5410 kHz, in Denmark 5250 – 5450 kHz.Danish stations have to apply for a special research-license and are limited to 1 kW ERP. Both countries can use VFO/allmode.


40 Metres 7000 7040 7040 7050 7050 7060 7060 7100 7100 7200 7200 7300
IARU Region 1
As of March, 2009, 7100-7200 were allocated to Amateur radio on a primary basis by ITU. Yet, there are countries that haven’t yet expanded their national Amateur radio service bandplan to cover that portion. In ITU region 2, 7200-7300 is allocated to amateur radio service as secondary.


30 Metres (WARC) 10100 10140 10140 10150
IARU Region 1


20 Metres 14000 14070 14070 14099 B 14101 14350
IARU Region 1


17 Metres (WARC) 18068 18095 18095 18109 B 18111 18168
IARU Region 1


15 Metres 21000 21070 21070 21110 21110 21120 21120 21149 B 21151 21450
IARU Region 1


12 Metres (WARC) 24890 24915 24915 24929 B 24931 24990
IARU Region 1


10 Metres 28000 28070 28070 28190 B 28225 29200 29200 29300 29300 29510 29510 29700
IARU Region 1 Satellite D/L


= CW and data (<200 Hz bandwidth)
= CW, RTTY and data (< 500 Hz Bandwidth)
= CW, RTTY, data, NO SSB (<2.7 kHz)
= CW, phone and image (<3 kHz bandwidth) SECONDARY
= CW, phone and image (<3 kHz bandwidth)
= CW, data, packet, FM, phone and image (<20 kHz bandwidth)
= CW, RTTY, data, test, phone and image
= Reserved for satellite downlink
= Reserved for beacons

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